Mary Berry Vegetable Soup Recipe

Mary Berry Vegetable Soup Recipe : Few things are as comforting and nourishing as a bowl of homemade vegetable soup. With its vibrant colors, rich flavors, and hearty goodness, it’s a staple that warms the soul on the coldest of days. Mary Berry’s vegetable soup recipe embodies both simplicity and taste, using a medley of fresh vegetables to create a delightful, wholesome dish that’s as delightful to make as it is to savor.

In this recipe, Mary Berry shares her expertise, emphasizing the beauty of seasonal produce and the art of transforming humble ingredients into a bowlful of goodness. Whether it’s the earthy sweetness of carrots, the mild flavor of leeks, or the comforting warmth of potatoes, this soup celebrates the natural flavors of vegetables in a way that’s both comforting and nourishing.

Vegetable Soup

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Mary Berry Vegetable Soup Recipe

Faisal shahzad
Mary Berry's vegetable soup is a comforting, versatile dish crafted from fresh, seasonal vegetables simmered to create a nourishing and delightful culinary experience suitable for any occasion.
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine British
Servings 2 People


  • Assorted fresh vegetables:
  • Carrots
  • Leeks
  • Celery
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes optional, for added depth
  • Other seasonal vegetables as desired
  • Olive oil or butter
  • Vegetable or chicken stock homemade or store-bought
  • Seasonings:
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Fresh herbs like thyme parsley, bay leaves, etc. (based on preference)


  • Put the vegetable stock in a big pot and heat it until it boils.
  • Put in the sugar, chili, ginger, spring onions, soy sauce, five-spice powders, and sweet chili sauce.
  • Put in the noodles and mushrooms.
  • Add the bok choy and lime juice to the soup and mix them.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes, or until the noodles are cooked through.
  • Serve hot with a sprinkle of coriander.
Keyword Vegetable Soup Recipe

Who is this recipe for?

This recipe for Mary Berry’s vegetable soup is an invitation to all home cooks, health enthusiasts, families, and those seeking comforting, nourishing meals. Embracing simplicity and flavor, it’s a perfect choice for individuals eager to craft a delightful dish using seasonal, fresh vegetables.

Packed with essential nutrients, this soup caters to health-conscious eaters, offering a rich blend of vitamins, minerals, and fiber from an array of vibrant veggies. Its versatility accommodates various dietary preferences, making it a go-to option for vegetarians and easily adaptable for those following a vegan lifestyle by utilizing vegetable stock.

Beyond dietary considerations, this recipe appeals to anyone craving the warmth and comfort of a homemade meal that speaks to the soul. Whether shared with loved ones around the table or savored as a personal culinary indulgence, Mary Berry’s vegetable soup embodies the joy of cooking with wholesome ingredients and the sheer delight of savoring a bowlful of goodness.

Easy Steps to Make Mary Berry Vegetable Soup Recipe

list of ingredients

Assorted fresh vegetables:

  • Carrots
  • Leeks
  • Celery
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes (optional, for added depth)
  • Other seasonal vegetables as desired
  • Olive oil or butter
  • Vegetable or chicken stock (homemade or store-bought)


  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Fresh herbs like thyme, parsley, bay leaves, etc. (based on preference)

This combination of fresh, seasonal vegetables, along with a flavorful base of stock and carefully chosen seasonings, forms the core components of Mary Berry’s vegetable soup recipe, allowing for a nourishing and customizable dish.

Keep in mind that Mary Berry’s recipes often highlight the use of seasonal produce, so the selection of vegetables might vary based on what’s available and in season. This flexible approach allows for creativity and adaptation to suit personal tastes and the availability of ingredients.


Prepare the Vegetables:

Preparing the vegetables for Mary Berry’s vegetable soup involves handling an assortment of fresh produce with care and attention. Begin by thoroughly washing and peeling, if required, the vibrant selection of vegetables such as carrots, leeks, celery, onions, potatoes, and perhaps tomatoes for added depth of flavor. Ensuring uniformity in their cutting, dice or chop these vegetables into small, bite-sized pieces.

This meticulous preparation not only sets the stage for even cooking but also enhances the soup’s texture, allowing each ingredient to contribute its unique taste and essence to the final dish. This step embodies the essence of Mary Berry’s emphasis on using fresh, seasonal produce and highlights the beauty of simplicity in handling and showcasing the natural flavors of the vegetables.

Sauté the Vegetables:

Sautéing the meticulously prepared vegetables in Mary Berry’s vegetable soup recipe initiates a delightful symphony of aromas and flavors. Begin by gently heating a pot with a drizzle of olive oil or a dollop of butter over a medium flame. As the pot warms, the vibrant medley of diced vegetables—carrots, leeks, celery, onions, and others—sizzle as they meet the heated oil, releasing their enticing fragrance.

Stirring occasionally, allow these vegetables to soften gradually, coaxing out their natural sweetness and building the foundational layers of flavor that will infuse the soup. This careful sautéing process is more than a simple cooking step; it’s the transformative moment where raw ingredients start their journey toward a harmonious blend, promising a soup that’s not just nourishing but rich in depth and character.

Add the Stock:

Adding the stock in Mary Berry’s vegetable soup marks a pivotal moment where flavors meld and evolve, transforming a medley of vegetables into a harmonious, comforting dish. With the sautéed vegetables now softened and fragrant, it’s time to introduce the base of the soup—whether it’s vegetable or chicken stock. As the stock pours into the pot, it envelops the vegetables in a simmering embrace, bringing with it a depth that enhances every element.

The rising steam carries the promise of a rich, flavorful broth, as the vegetables eagerly absorb the liquid, intensifying their individual tastes while merging their essence into a unified whole. This infusion of stock sets the stage for the soup’s simmering, inviting the melding of flavors that will soon create a comforting, nourishing elixir.

Simmer and Season:

Simmering and seasoning in Mary Berry’s vegetable soup recipe are the transformative acts that coax out the full potential of every ingredient, turning a bubbling pot of vegetables into a symphony of taste. As the pot gently simmers, the vegetables soften further, surrendering their essence into the warming embrace of the broth. This slow dance allows flavors to intermingle, melding into a harmonious blend that promises depth and complexity in every spoonful.

It’s in this gentle simmer that the soup becomes infused with the earthy sweetness of carrots, the subtle tang of leeks, and the comforting warmth of potatoes. Meanwhile, each passing minute offers the opportunity to season the soup with a sprinkle of salt, a dash of pepper, and a fragrant handful of fresh herbs. These simple yet crucial additions elevate the flavors, bringing balance and enhancing the natural essence of the vegetables, ensuring each mouthful delights the senses with its aromatic richness.

Blend or Mash (Optional): in paragraph

The decision to blend or mash the soup in Mary Berry’s recipe is a defining moment that shapes its texture and character. For those seeking a velvety, smooth consistency, the use of a hand blender or food processor becomes a transformative tool. As the whirring blades meet the softened vegetables and fragrant broth, they orchestrate a symphony of transformation, turning the hearty mix into a luxurious, silky potion.

This step ensures a uniform texture, where every spoonful promises a harmonious blend of flavors. Conversely, opting for a chunkier texture involves a gentler approach—using a spoon to mash some of the vegetables directly in the pot. This technique offers a delightful contrast in each bite, where tender chunks of vegetables create a rustic, heartwarming appeal. This choice of texture, whether smooth or textured, grants the soup its final identity, ready to be savored in a way that best suits the preferences of those gathered around the table.

Adjust Consistency:

Adjusting the consistency of Mary Berry’s vegetable soup is a final touch that tailors the dish to perfection. Whether the soup leans towards a hearty, thick stew or a lighter, more fluid concoction, this step ensures it aligns precisely with individual preferences. Should the soup prove a touch too thick for one’s liking, a gentle addition of more stock or water brings forth a lighter, more fluid texture, allowing the flavors to flow effortlessly.

Conversely, if a heartier, denser feel is desired, allowing the soup to simmer a bit longer to evaporate excess liquid might achieve the desired effect. This simple act of fine-tuning the soup’s density ensures that it not only meets personal tastes but also encapsulates the essence of comfort and satisfaction in every spoonful.

Serving Suggestion

Ladle the steaming hot vegetable soup into rustic, wide-rimmed bowls that invite comfort and warmth. Garnish each serving with a sprinkle of freshly chopped herbs—perhaps a few strands of vibrant parsley or a touch of fragrant thyme—to add a pop of color and an extra layer of aroma. For those seeking a touch of richness, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on the surface of the soup not only enhances its flavor but also adds a subtle elegance.

Pair this soul-soothing soup with crusty, warm bread or freshly baked rolls, perfect for dipping and savoring alongside each spoonful. Alternatively, serve it with a dollop of creamy yogurt or a swirl of coconut cream for a delightful contrast in taste and texture. The simplicity of the presentation accentuates the hearty goodness of the soup, inviting everyone to indulge in its wholesome, nourishing embrace.


Mary Berry’s vegetable soup recipe encapsulates the essence of comfort, simplicity, and wholesome goodness. From the careful preparation of a variety of fresh, seasonal vegetables to the gentle simmering that coaxes out their flavors, every step in crafting this soup is a celebration of natural ingredients.

The soup’s journey—from sautéing the vegetables to adjusting the texture and seasoning—is a testament to the art of creating a nourishing, flavorful dish with ease. Whether enjoyed as a soul-soothing remedy on chilly days or as a communal meal shared among loved ones, this recipe embodies the joy of homemade cooking. With its adaptable nature, inviting presentation, and rich flavors, Mary Berry’s vegetable soup promises not just a bowlful of warmth but a taste of heartwarming tradition and culinary delight with every spoonful.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s vegetable soup?

Absolutely! This soup freezes well. Once cooled, portion it into airtight containers or freezer bags, leaving some space for expansion, and store in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw in the fridge before reheating.

Can I adjust the vegetables in this recipe based on what’s in season?

Yes, definitely! Mary Berry often emphasizes using seasonal produce. Feel free to adapt the vegetables according to what’s freshest and in season for a vibrant and flavorful soup.

Can I make this soup in advance?

Yes, this soup is great for making ahead. You can prepare it a day or two in advance, store it in the fridge, and reheat it gently before serving.

How can I make this soup thicker or thinner?

To thicken the soup, simmer it uncovered for longer to allow some liquid to evaporate. To make it thinner, add more stock or water until it reaches your desired consistency.

Can I add protein like beans or meat to this soup?

Absolutely! This recipe serves as a great base. Adding beans, lentils, or cooked meat can enhance its protein content and make it heartier. Just adjust cooking times accordingly.

Chef Faisal Shahzad: Crafting culinary magic by blending European finesse with American vibrancy for dishes that delight!

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